
Monday, 17 October 2011

Last Minute Preparation for MUET speaking test.

okay... so, I am going to have a speaking test tomorrow, which is Malaysian University English Test a.k.a MUET. Ok. this test is compulsory for all students who wanted to continue their study after school (which is the university/college) The MUET will be on 4 aspects, which are speaking, listening, writing and reading.

First off all, the killer part of the test is the speaking test, due to the fact that English language is not Malaysian's mother tongue. Since I'm going to face the test tomorrow, here are some advice for the readers and of course, myself.

5 Last Minute act:

1. Iron/prepare your attire. Make sure its decent and comfortable as (a) you don't want to be kick out of the examination room.. and (b) you will never speak confidently when you have to handle your uncomfortable attire issue<----- trust me, I'd did it before. 

2. Read notes give by your teachers on how to give opening speech, conclusion, lining up the points and how to work in the group. Remember to practice building you own sentence along the way to the examination venue because you might forget the sentences.

3. Prepare a wrist watch that have timer. This is to set your time as 2 minutes for individual and 10 minutes for group. some examiner didn't like you bringing your phone inside, even if it is for timing your speech. 

4. arrive at the venue before the time given, or around half an hour of the schedule, to avoid any jam or lateness.

5. before you went to bed, and before you went inside the examination room, hug your parents or siblings tightly- this is to reduce the stress. Really, this works. 

that's the only thing that you should do. remember, do well, and be calm. Also, don't forget to print out the examination slip and bring it along with your identification card. also a pencil case will do.

That's all from me. GOODLUCK!! haeng un eul bin da:)